
以赛亚书 40: 28-31

你 岂 不 曾 知 道 吗 ? 你 岂 不 曾 听 见 吗 ? 永 在 的 神 耶 和 华 , 创 造 地 极 的 主 , 并 不 疲 乏 , 也 不 困 倦 。 他 的 智 慧 无 法 测 度 。
疲 乏 的 , 他 赐 能 力 。 软 弱 的 , 他 加 力 量 。
就 是 少 年 人 也 要 疲 乏 困 倦 , 强 壮 的 也 必 全 然 跌 倒 。
但 那 等 候 耶 和 华 的 , 必 从 新 得 力 , 他 们 必 如 鹰 展 翅 上 腾 , 他 们 奔 跑 却 不 困 倦 , 行 走 却 不 疲 乏 。

Isaiah Chapter 40: Verses 28 - 31
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Welcome to The Little Star House!

The Little Star House
Hello everyone, you must be wondering what I have been doing. It had been quite a while since our last post. We apologise for the long wait.
Now, Why are we so busy recently that we have not been updating our blog?

This was because Mummy is having a new baby............... What??!! No! Of course not, no she is not pregnant, Hahahahahaha I'm just trying to see if you're paying attention!
However, Mummy DID start an online store called "The Little Star House". This is her new baby.

The business had just started recently.... Do feel free to visit the website and give us your comments. Do drop Mummy an email - thelittlestarhouse@gmail.com - if you find anything that interests you. Don't forget that tell Mummy that you are my friend, so that Mummy will give you a discount. :p
The link is as per below:

Please help us to spread the word
Happy Shopping!!
The Little Star House

Sunday, September 14, 2008

中秋節 2008

今天是中秋节, 让我先跟大家说声中秋节快乐.

中秋節有悠久的歷史,和其他傳統節日一樣,也是慢慢發展形成的,古代帝王有春天祭日,秋天祭月的禮制,早在《周禮》一書中,已有“中秋”一詞的記載。後來貴族和文人學士也仿傚起來,在中秋時節,對著天上又亮又圓一輪皓月,觀賞祭拜,寄託情懷,這種習俗就這樣傳到民間,形成一個傳統的活動,一直到了唐代,這種祭月的風俗更為人們重視,中秋節才成為固定的節日,《唐書·太宗記》記載有“八月十五中秋節”,這個節日盛行于宋朝,至明清時,已與元旦齊名,成為我國的主要節日之一。 中秋節的傳說是非常豐富的,嫦娥奔月,吳剛伐桂,玉兔搗藥之類的神話故事流傳甚廣。以下是其中医个传说.

今年祖母和阿姨都各自买了一个灯笼给我, 两个灯笼都很漂亮我都很喜欢. 我想说声谢谢你们.



Saturday, September 13, 2008

1st Time playing with Kiet (Kor Kor)

Out on a walk to NTUC on my trike :)

Daddy quick stop talking and pose for the camera!

Can anyone tell us what is this? (Slug??)

Jeremiah you should be playing with the lantern and not the chopsticks!

OOOoops Daddy ok. :p

Jeremiah :Come let's play kiet kor kor Kiet: You sure we can play with the chopstick?

Jeremiah :Wow!! So that's how we can play.....

Kiet: Boo! Jeremiah... Jeremiah: hee hee Kiet kor kor you are so funny... :)

Kiet kor kor, let me give you a brotherly hug, thank you for the fun that you have given me tonight. :)

Daddy please let me have a sip of what you are drinking...... (BEER!! BEER!! give it to me NOW!!)

Men in our lives @ BLK 18

Hi 5! One of my latest move nowadays!!

After dinner today, Daddy has decided to bring us out for a walk. On our way to the playground, we saw a lot of kids following behind their parents with lantern in their hands. We won't want to miss out the fun, so with the lantern that "Ah yi has bought for me, I was out there in the playground soaking up the fun too!!

After going round and round the playground with my trike, we finally decided to head for NTUC. On our way there, we saw something sticking to the wall not quite sure what is it the picture is as shown above.

On our way back, we saw Uncle Francis and Kiet kor kor at the void deck. Daddy and Mummy suggested to Uncle Francis that both Kiet kor kor and me play along at the pavement of our unit while the adults can enjoy their evening together.

Yes I really enjoyed Kiet kor kor's company, you can tell from the pictures taken. There are more but Mummy wanted to keep the blog neat and tidy thus not many pictures were uploaded but only hightlights of the evening. Finally it was time for me to sleep when the adults noticed me rubbing my lil eyes and were sticking to Mummy like a Koala bear to a "Tree".

Hee hee yes a Koala bear, that's me.. bye folks happy Mid AUTUMN Festival 2008!

Hunting for a Shoe Cabinet!

Mummy quick please hurry up, you are too slow behind. :p

Mummy please take a picture for me with your phone puulease!!

Daddy did you see what I saw?

A dead bird lying at the side of the entrance, poor bird. :(

It was a windy morning, as soon as I woke up from my morning 1st nap, Mummy and Daddy brought me out to Suntec City. They had wanted to get a shoe cabinet for the living room ever since I started to play with the shoes on the rack . Mummy had since got really tired from asking me not to play with those shoes. So Daddy decides to get a shoe cabinet today.

As soon as we reached Suntec, we went straight to Picket & Rail. There we saw the shoe cabinet that we wanted but Daddy didn't drive today so we will be going back there to get it. After that we went to "Mumu Ya" Mummy's favourite Hello Kitty shop. Of course she stopped there for a while and got herself a big tote bag. While Mummy was busy with her Hello Kitty, Daddy brought me to the "Game Room". There, I was so attracted to the wheels of the "Daytona" arcade game. Woo Hoo.. boy did I have fun there. :)

There are my set of cutlery, now where is my FOOD??!! Argghhh!!

After lunch, we passed by a pool full of "Koi". They were all so "BIG" I mean REALLY HUGE "KOIS". They must be fed well there, this is the 1st time I got really close up to fish this huge. :)

Fish! Fish! Fish!!

Hello fish, I am up here!!

Daddy, Look! The fish are swimming towards my direction. :)

Mummy please make sure you catch a good picture of me with the HUGE "KOIS"!

My Private Retreat (Ball House)

I have always wanted to visit the Children's Ball Play House in IKEA.... Alas, the sign board says "only 90cm and above", and the last I checked I am nowhere near it yet.

Seeing the disappointed look on my face, Daddy and Mummy bought me a Ball house from Kiddy Palace. Yeah!!

My very own ball house which means, I set rules to it and no one else. :)

Here's the 1st rule, anyone who is below 90cm, cute, bubbly and active can join me. :p

Friday, September 12, 2008

I am a BIG BOY now!!

Today, I turned 18 months old!
Don't I look like a commando in the picture above? :) please pardon the diapers.... I'm still in "training mode". :)
Throughout the months I have grown so much. Mummy tells me she can still recall the days when they brought me home from the hospital..... From bunking overnight in the living room to the many sleepless nights during the 1st month....... From the not so active me (then) to the very mobile and active me (now)....... Its simply amazing how things have changed so quickly.... Daddy always tells Mummy he finds it so hard to keep track off the changes that has been going on.
First of all, Daddy and Mummy thank the LORD GOD Jehovah for all the blessings that had been bestowed on us and our family members.

Well, in summary - these are the things that I have picked up through the months:

1) Able to learn to flip @ 4months

2) 1st tooth cut @ 6months (OOUcchh)

3) Able to sit up @7 months

4) Able to cruise @ 9 months

5) Able to wave and give flying kisses (on cue) @ 10 months

6) Able to start walking @ 12months (Yippee!!!).................... and Daddy and Mummy has to learn how to follow me around the house... :)

7) Able to call mama @14 months (Whew!!)

8) Able to call Pa pa @ 16 months

9) Able to start eating normal adult food with the family members @17 months

10) Able to fetch a story book for Mummy to read aloud to me when I want to. :) - also @ 17 months

11) Able to help Mummy pack up the books and toys once my playtime is over

12) Able to help 'Vacuum' the house.................. Daddy says its a smalllllllllll part of the house. Eh, he's so particular, isn't he? :(

13) Able to dance along to the music on tv or handphone ringtones on the MRT Train

14) Able to give Mummy a hug and kiss when she needs one (ORrrrrH so sweet!!)

Ok, that's all for now, as all Mummies would agree - this list will go on and on .... and on..... and on..... and on...... throughout the months.

Editors' note - as God created all babies different, distinct and all special, please do not use my progress charts as a guideline for other baby friends out there...... :P we are all special in our own way! Yeah! Thus comparisons are unhealthy and unnecessary.........

(thats what I think too.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Have a Break!

Just Me, Baby TV and my mini-size vitasoy drink. Go have a break too.. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Neoprint Days --- through the years....

Check out the progress of Mummy and Daddy through the years...

1st pic - this was taken sometime in 2002....

2nd pic - Mummy tells me this was taken sometime in early 2004... before Daddy and Mummy got married!

Last picture was taken just TODAY! Mummy and Daddy brought me to Bugis junction today... I feel I had added tons of glam to their picture, don't you? :)

(Don't you think I look better than the both of you in the picture be it before or after having me in your lives?) :p

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Check out my music video

I am pleased to show you my new personalised music video. Shot with mummy's handheld phone. Isn't this exciting?

This is something special available from BabyTv - thanks to Mummy who subscribed to SCV's digital cable... especially for little ol' me. :)

Do check out the Babytv website @ http://www.babytvchannel.com/ - not that I get any commission (I can assure you I don't.... Daddy tells me its very slow moving..... but I told Daddy it's not meant for 3 years olds and under, not 30 year olds and over!!!)

:) see ya! Please enjoy.