I was as usual playing in the house. I started playing with my toys, then I moved on to play with all sorts of things that can be found around the house. It was then I decided to play with Daddy's mobile phone without him noticing it. :p
After Daddy and Mummy took their dinner, they decided to bring me over to Grandpa Wong while they do their weekly grocery shopping together. Yes, without me!! I think they would be able to complete the groceries list much faster without me, for those who have read my earlier blog, you'd realise that Mummy and/or Daddy will usually have to put back the stuff which I will remove from the supermarket shelves.
And this happens all the time!
Just when we were almost ready to set off, Daddy and Mummy wanted to double check the bag. Here is a list which they need to fulfil before leaving the house.
1. Water bottle (normally 3/4 full)
2. Little bites biscuits
3. Wet wipes
4. Diaper
5. House keys
6. Handphones(Daddy and Mummy's)
Yes, it was when they were checking through the bag, that they realised that Daddy's phone was missing. Yes!! It's me again, without fail. I have misplaced the phone. Oh gosh, they took a long time to hunt for the phone. Daddy and Mummy were asking me where I put the phone, and all I could say was.. "huh"?? "Ma Ma"? "AHhhhh"??...
With a strange look on their faces, they couldn't make out what I was trying to tell them.. Luckily after a search for about 20minutes, they managed to find it on the TV rack. WHEW!! It was a close shave this time. I think next time I would not be able to play with Daddy's phone again cos Daddy's face went all black when he couldnt find his phone. :(
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