
以赛亚书 40: 28-31

你 岂 不 曾 知 道 吗 ? 你 岂 不 曾 听 见 吗 ? 永 在 的 神 耶 和 华 , 创 造 地 极 的 主 , 并 不 疲 乏 , 也 不 困 倦 。 他 的 智 慧 无 法 测 度 。
疲 乏 的 , 他 赐 能 力 。 软 弱 的 , 他 加 力 量 。
就 是 少 年 人 也 要 疲 乏 困 倦 , 强 壮 的 也 必 全 然 跌 倒 。
但 那 等 候 耶 和 华 的 , 必 从 新 得 力 , 他 们 必 如 鹰 展 翅 上 腾 , 他 们 奔 跑 却 不 困 倦 , 行 走 却 不 疲 乏 。

Isaiah Chapter 40: Verses 28 - 31
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My 1st 2 steps!!

Hi Everyone,

I am 11 months, 4 weeks and 2 days old today. Mummy saw me in a squatting position... when suddenly, I stood up, balanced myself (which requires a fair bit of effort when you're my age) and started to take 2 steps forward.

Time check: 1st March 2008 @ 9.00am!!!

Mummy was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes. "Lets try again!" she said... She held me up to a standing position, and again I took 2 more steps forward. She was amazed and started to call out for Daddy to come to the living room...

Both of them witnessed this magical moment together when I took another 3 steps forward.

heh heh.. you're now looking at an official "P" plate toddler. If anyone sees me toddling away, please give way to me..... ;p

Btw -

1) the pushcart really helps; please see my earlier blog for a picture of my favourite (and only) pushcart...

2) item (1) to be used with much parental guidance!!! never attempt to utilise pushcart on a solitary basis

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