I am happy to say that they're both of the same size now. It would be quite embarrassing if I had uneven (lengthed) teeth. Yes yes, I'm vain. :)
Teething: What every parent should know.
Teeth usually begin to appear at 4 to 7 months, but some babies teeth come earlier and some later. Signs of teething are that his gums may be slightly inflamed and he may dribble. The first teeth are used to bite with, but initially your baby will chew with his gums. Chewing is an important skill for baby to learn, necessary for jaw development, which in turn is important for speech development later on. He will manage lumpier foods well with his newly learned chewing skills. Don't be put off giving your baby lumps because he has no teeth.
1. The first teeth to arrive are usually the lower front teeth.
2. These are followed by the upper front teeth.
3. Upper side teeth come next.
4. These are followed by the lower side teeth.
5. The first upper molars erupt. Next come the first lower molars.
6. The upper canines then come in, one each side.

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