Thursday, November 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Mummy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy 3rd Anniversary Mummy and Daddy! Part I
In the end, Mummy settled for Mixed Vegetables with rice in a claypot... whilst Daddy had beancurd soup with rice.
They also had yummy prime beef and boneless chicken thighs- on recommendation by the pretty Korean waitresses there...
After lunch, as Daddy was eating - I got a bit bored so I started exploring the nice patterns on the mats they used... did I mention we sat at one of those 'low' tables? :)
Alas, that exploration didn't help to stop my boredom... much... so I turned around to wave hello at all the cars passing by. Wow, Dempsey Road must be quite an interesting place. Plenty of traffic even during a weekday lunchtime. :)
Next stop - Funan Centre - to meet Grandpa and Grandma who were in the area...
We also managed to squeeze in some shopping time at Raffles City before we zoomed to fetch Uncle Jon who got off work especially to meet me! Yeah! I'm special, aren't I? Even though it's not my wedding anniversary... but nevertheless, I'm special. :)
Thanks Daddy, Mummy, Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Jon for making today so memorable!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dinner with Uncle Martin

Mummy says the wild mushroom and minestrone soup (which you can see in the bigger picture above) were delicious... Mummy had cod while Daddy had lamb.... btw, the chips were nice too...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Mummy's day out - the wong's edition

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Uncle Martin visits!!!

We had fun playing today, he taught me how to tap on the coffee table... his jacket and watch seem like nice toys too... I tried to leave my saliva tracks on them. Not sure whether he'll remember these when he returns to Bristol next week from KL...
In fact, Uncle Martin and I had so much fun we arranged to meet again for dinner this coming Saturday. Daddy's Uni friend Uncle Edwin is also bringing along his family which includes his darling 15 month old son "En-En". Wow! Its going to be fun!
Will post more pictures once dinner on Saturday is settled. Yeah. :)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Learning to Climb #1
Friday, November 16, 2007
I am happy to say that they're both of the same size now. It would be quite embarrassing if I had uneven (lengthed) teeth. Yes yes, I'm vain. :)
Teething: What every parent should know.
Teeth usually begin to appear at 4 to 7 months, but some babies teeth come earlier and some later. Signs of teething are that his gums may be slightly inflamed and he may dribble. The first teeth are used to bite with, but initially your baby will chew with his gums. Chewing is an important skill for baby to learn, necessary for jaw development, which in turn is important for speech development later on. He will manage lumpier foods well with his newly learned chewing skills. Don't be put off giving your baby lumps because he has no teeth.
1. The first teeth to arrive are usually the lower front teeth.
2. These are followed by the upper front teeth.
3. Upper side teeth come next.
4. These are followed by the lower side teeth.
5. The first upper molars erupt. Next come the first lower molars.
6. The upper canines then come in, one each side.

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Happy Birthday, Daddy Wong!

Journey to the East!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Milkshake and Ice-cream!!! - Jere sees and cannot touch. :P
Monday, November 5, 2007
No more bumps!!!

The next picture shows me with the helmet and knee guard. Now I am all set to crawl by myself . Do I look sporty??
Sunday, November 4, 2007
My cosy play corner

Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma for their enthusiasm in getting me this mat. I got this 2 days later, isnt that fast? :P
First it was Winnie-The-Pooh style, but Daddy and Grandma felt it was rather repititious and not 'exciting' enough (and btw, I looked 'bored'...) so they went to exchange for a Thomas the Train style...
Coupled with a few cushions behind me, it does look rather safe, doesn't it? And can you spot this new toy - Busy Bench - which we bought from Kidzloft (see below blog) ... quite cool cos its made of nice wood, and it can be used on both sides!
Happy 82nd birthday Great Grandma!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Jeremiah goes shopping @ Kidzloft!