Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Jump Jump(Video)!!
Of course, I always take safety precautions and strap up each time before using it.
You won't believe this, but almost immediately, I will be bursting with lots of energy and started to jump - almost non-stop. However, Mummy says that each day I am only allowed to use it for 15-20 mins at one go. Too much of it will tire me out, and make me cranky.... that aint good... especially for Mummy.... and oh, Daddy too. :P
You don't believe me? Just ask those people who had carried me, who will attest to my strong leg muscles. Thanks to my Jolly Jumper, I am definitely a stronger and tougher baby to handle.
Oh yes, thank you aunty Karyn to loaning us the Jolly Jumper!!!
*P.S believe it or not, my legs are solid muscle.. ;p heh heh heh
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Glimpse into the Future(Video)!!
Mummy's observation:
Jeremiah heard rumours (not sure from whom though, this is slightly worrying... *laughs*) that this "disco-like" magic ball could show him the future.
So he spun... he stared... and he waited.
After a while, Jeremiah gave up. Mummy thinks that any 7-month old baby should at least have 15mins of concentration. He tried for ONLY 14 seconds... tsk tsk tsk, if only Jeremiah had a little bit more patience.................
Attached is a video clip (yes, the 14 second one), on Jeremiah's 110 % effort with the Magic Ball. Efforts 80%. Patience 30%.
Ha ha ha.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Please take a closer look at us!
Bad Toothache Day!!!
Can you see that "White Spot" there? Yes, there it is - my 1st tooth. After so many weeks of grumbling , nibbling, biting, its finally out.
Guess what!! The 2nd tooth is on its way just right beside it but I don't think you can spot that now... if you stare hard enought you might actually see it. And no, you are not hallucinating.... heh heh heh ;p
Friday, October 26, 2007

1) Grabbing, and
2) Crawling
Nowadays I find it much easier to grab things around me. I think thats what the adults call eye-hand co-ordination... I think my co-ordination has improved, well, just a little bit... in fact just this morning, Daddy was helping to change my diapers (which was very heavy btw) and 0.5 seconds later, one of his cuff links was in my hands. Thats quick, right? Daddy immediately prised open my hand and took that cuff link far far away... I stand corrected, but somehow I suspect he likes that cuff link :)
Next, lets talk about my ability to crawl. Alas, Daddy says that - strictly speaking - what I am doing cannot be accurately defined as "crawling". Rather, he says it resembles 'Lurching', cos I curl up my legs and POUNCE forward... nevertheless, he admits it gets me from point A to point B darn effectively.
You might be surprised, but this Crawling/Pouncing/Lurching motion gets me a displacement of 1.5 times my bodyspan!!! Impressive, eh? And its fast too! Above pictures were taken by Mummy as I lounged around her bed... yours truly can move from one end of the bed to the other within 2 POUNCES in approximately 10 plus seconds...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Me a "Parachutist??!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy Birthday, GrandPa!

If I am wrong, then there must be some special ingredient in the pork. :)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Ouch!! I am Teething!
Thanks to my newly developing teeth, the water bottle that I am holding has become one of my current favourites. The funny thing is that instead of fulfilling its original invention i.e. quenching my thirst, now this bottle has also become my teething gear. The handles at the side are quite handy you know...
Alas, I know that the process of Teething does not end so quickly... this is only the beginning of my agony... ... ...
P.S whoever said Babies' days are full of fun and joy hasn't seen a teething baby!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Springing "into" action!

Can you figure out what I am trying to do? Well, for those with the untrained eye (and this excludes all mothers), the books indicate that I am trying to crawl.
Trying - being the operative word...
I know what you're going to say, for a 6 1/2 month old babe, crawling is supposed to start at around 8 months. Okay okay, so I'm a little early...
1st picture - I am playing with my current favourite - this bright ball with motorised action that goes around and around with lots of musical effects. Super cool, for crawlers like me :)
2nd picture - I happened to hear the cartoon programme on Tellie!
3rd picture - I strike my most dashing 'pose' and smile for Mummy's camera.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Baby computer wiz?
I am trying to figure out Daddy's and Mummy's fascination with my blog. Frankly, the sound of the keyboard is rather intriguing - thus I try to reach for it whenever I can. Looking is nice, trying is always better!
Okay, gtg (got to go - in msn speak), as you can see from the picture I'm updating my blog...
See you later!